Let’s Get Started!
My name is Kinga and bikes are my passion; I started riding in my teens and I’ve never looked back!
I’ve been mostly on road bikes, but since I moved to Australia (I’m originally from Poland) I’ve acquired a taste for adventure riding– and as we all know riding is the best way to explore any country!
Thanks to my supportive husband (who’s got more understanding and patience than anyone in the world!) and the awesome company I work for (who’ve given me the opportunity) I’m making my dream come true:
I’m going around Australia on my bike!
The Plan
My trip will be divided into three parts:
Stage one: Sydney to Port Headland (c. 9000 km)
Late March, 2013, I will be leaving our home in Sydney and travelling north, first around Queensland, then through the north of the Northern Territory, and finally arriving for my new work detail in Port Headland.
I’m planning to take it easy on the way, take in the local scenery, and so I’ve worked it out to be a 4 week trip.
Stage two: New Position
I’ll be working at the mines in Western Australia for 6 months, and am hoping to do some adventure riding while I’m there: subscribe to this blog via RSS or my Facebook page to keep up to-date!
Stage three: Port Headland to Sydney (c. 7000 km)
The plan is (depending on work) that after 6 months I’ll be leaving Port Headland and heading back home. First I’ll head south and tour the rest of WA, then make my way back east via the beautiful states of South Australia and Victoria.
I’ve planned it so it’ll take 3 weeks – not too fast, not too slow.
The Bike
So, with a very special thanks to Santa, I’ve bought a brand new BMW F800GS. I first rode a friend’s 1200 about a year ago, and have been in love with the bikes since. Now, I’ve always had Japanese road bikes, so this is change, and I’m ready to cop a bit of slack about getting a Beamer, but the fact is that it’s the right bike for me and for this trip.
I’ve also invested a bit into gear for the trip (again thanks to Santa, who is starting lose patience) and am looking forward to testing it during my challenging trip: I’ll be posting reviews on here so remember to subscribe!
Have fun!
Good on you Kinga – good luck!
Proud of you Kinga 🙂
All the very best with this adventure. I hope you create a link on your page ( capture video images using Gopro perhaps ? ). I look fwd to travelling Aus through your blog. Takecare and be safe
The 16,000 km Super Ride
It sounds awesome Kinga. I wish you all the best !
Well done for getting this off the ground, hope you have a ball don’t for get to keep us posted
Good luck!! :)))))
I appreciate your great spirit and wish you the best Kinga 🙂 Take care
It will be amazing journey, I wish Your dreams come true… Burn your wheels Girl ! …and don’t forget about photos! We will check Your blog..
Kinga… we heard about it some time ago, and i couldn’t stop thinking that its just an amazing decision you’ve made! as long as you have got the opportunity and guts (and you have both! 😉 ) you couldn’t decide not to go 🙂 me and Krzyś we wish you good luck on the road and lots of incredible moments!!!!
we keep our fingers crossed!!!
take care!! xoxoxoxo
Yeah baby! Have fun, and stay
Yeah baby! Have fun, and stay safe. See you in WA in July, prepare for my visit. 🙂
get on with it
Looking forward to when you actually get on your bike and get on with it – BTW two shots does not make a slideshow – Go Kinga go!!
Contacts in Port Douglas
Will you be going up as far as Port Douglas – north of Cairns? If so I have some fun people you need to meet.
Make sure you have heaps of fun and have a safe trip.. keep us updated and look out for those black speed humps on the roads heading up north 😉
Good trip! I like you. :*